Food for thought, I eat a way too lot.

Every single person is an amazing story teller. And, I am just one of them. I am a believer that thoughts reflects our life. Believer and lover of all.   I spill my opinion on everything and just listen to what people have to say about it.



Self actualization –

“There are only two things that are real in your life, which you fail to believe it is

-Yourself and your ability to succeed.

Everything else you come across are so unreal at some point or the other, which you fail to believe it is”




Enrichment –

“Knowledge is combination of perspectives,

smartness is realization of perspectives,

intelligence is formatting the perspectives,

Creativity is the nucleus of perspectives.”



Desperation –

“A person who is in intense search for something ends up finding it or creating it”




Artist –

“The qualification of an artist of any kind is the ability to admire”



My take on admiration –

Admire the art over the artist. Only the art has the ability to give a soulful impact in our life.

Once, you start admiring the artist over the art, you gradually lose your ability to admire all the other aspects and varieties in it and become narrowed to just one style of the art, which is probably 0.0001% of the actual life, value and content of the art.

Once, you start admiring the art over artist, you eventually grow respect over every other artist, helping you to absorb more enrichment from it and helps you exhale the hatred.



Spirituality –

“Spirituality is when you stop listening to people and start listening to everything else”


Passion and path of life –

“You can call it your path in life, when you could see the possibilities, when others could only see the probabilities”




“The truth is you don’t own anything or anyone.

Everything that you have or had is something that you attracted for a reason reflected by your thoughts”


Atheism –

Why don’t you believe in god?

Because you haven’t seen God and it is unreal to believe that someone has powers beyond reality?

Well, believing in god is not really a bad idea and i shall tell you why!

– Believing in something that you have never seen before is the first step in believing that your unseen future has it’s positive & powerful existence and the belief that unseen existence has the power beyond reality will help you believe that you possess the power beyond reality to change the world with your ability that remains unseen or seems “unreal” as of now.



Detach and Free

“You can mentally undo things in life by connecting your thoughts at present to your thoughts back when you started doing it”


Live and look around

“Everyday is a PRESENT, that we fail to open”


Core to existence

“Praise and Shine”


Life –

“It is just an empty space between judgement and enlightenment and why do i see you trying so hard to hold on to the emptiness when you can let it free and drift towards the right?”


Purpose –

“Between the probabilities and the possibility, lies your purpose”




Relationship –

“Find the meaning and the purpose before you find love in a relationship”


Broken love –

“Even the crater face of the moon gets it’s magnificent view only when admired from miles away and such is a broken love, it only gets more beautiful with the distance that keeps you apart”



Perception –

“There are two kinds of people, one counts the ends and the other counts the beginnings”



“Out beyond the world of madness, there is an universe of peace. So is Life”


Man –

“Being true to a woman isn’t really about not having an affair it’s about protecting and respecting her”



Education –

“In classrooms you don’t really learn, you just get to know things. You learn only when you share it with others”



Dream –

Dream so bad, so deep that it makes you feel like you’re literally living the dream already”





Entrepreneurship –

“When your business is aimed at making profit, the family becomes your world,

when it is aimed at making a difference, the world becomes your family”


Perseverance –

“To make it up there, One day,

Work hard from Day One”